Our History

College of Agriculture Science and Technology Jalingo. We are a premier institution dedicated to providing outstanding education, conducting impactful research, and engaging with the community to address the challenges and opportunities in the field of agriculture. With a rich history and a commitment to excellence, we strive to nurture the next generation of agricultural leaders and innovators.


At the College of Agriculture Science and Technology Jalingo, we embrace the following core values:


We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work, from teaching and research to community engagement and student support.


We are committed to the highest ethical standards, promoting honesty, transparency, and accountability in our actions and interactions.


We value collaboration and teamwork, fostering a culture of inclusivity, respect, and cooperation among faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders.


We embrace creativity and innovation, encouraging our students and faculty to explore new ideas and experiment with novel approaches to agricultural challenges.


We are dedicated to promoting environmentally sustainable practices in agriculture, ensuring the responsible use of resources, and protecting the long-term viability of our ecosystems.

    College Management

    The stellar minds behind our success

    Dr. Yakubu Ali Garjila


    Babayo Yahaya

    Deputy Provost

    Habibu Abdullahi Lau
